KJ6ER January Update
Challenger 20M-6M Halfwave Vertical (January 2025) – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Ym2EbsX3F5Zs2oPwLXy-opGgBepnE6g/view
Challenger 20M-6M Halfwave Vertical (January 2025) – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Ym2EbsX3F5Zs2oPwLXy-opGgBepnE6g/view
Just discovered a new to me antenna site from Practical Antennas.com.
This site is run by Dale Hunt WB6BYU and he also has a youtube channel and one of his first videos I have watched is “3 Simple Wire Antennas. A link to his youtube channel videos is here.
Just received via email this nice QSL card from 8P6PE for our park2park contact on April 15, 2024, he was in park BB-0016 Rock Hall Freedom Village Monument and I was in park CA-5996 Dorchester Mill Pond Conservation Area.
KJ6ER Antennas Primer – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MxEQ0CfcLBhZ-TKTMg2xiMZeGdjsKnBN/view
PERformer 40M-6M Quarterwave Vertical – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LwSbXXeovjJdT8ijpOi-9FYR–nNsxgD/view
Dominator 20M-10M Halfwave Vertical – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o1QYlNhYp-JY_Azqn0XJWM7q7Tit0x1m/view
Dominator 17M-10M Halfwave 2-Element Vertical Beam – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-DvVBdEbcXjrCu5khyLeoEp5gsb9wwlA/view **NEW**
Blue – parks activated / Yellow – parks to be activated
As of Monday, I have activated all but 3 of the parks in EN92.
Missed activating CA-6155, thought I had made 10 contacts but I was one short on the day.
Domestic situation restricts my operations very greatly this year, so it will be a while before I get the final 3 parks. In that 2 of them are in PA, that presents a very big challenge to overcome in getting them activated.
Rig used in all of these activations was a Kenwood TS-50, powered by a 20 amp LIPO battery into an MFJ-949E, and usually feeding my vintage hamsticks on the car. Some of the times I have used an EFHW and other times I have used a G5RV antenna.
Use what you got!!
Al ve3gam
Google Drive File Links (KJ6ER):
PERformer 40M-6M Quarterwave (October 2024) – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LwSbXXeovjJdT8ijpOi-9FYR–nNsxgD/view
Dominator 20M-10M Halfwave (October 2024)- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o1QYlNhYp-JY_Azqn0XJWM7q7Tit0x1m/view
KJ6ER PERformer and Dominator Antennas Presentation (October 2024) – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MxEQ0CfcLBhZ-TKTMg2xiMZeGdjsKnBN/view
The following image shows all of the POTA parks in my grid square EN92. There are 47 in total, 45 in Ontario and 2 in Pennsylvania.
Link to interactive map.
Yellow markers indicate parks to be activated as of September 27, 2023.
Blue markers indicate parks I have activated.
The software used to create the map is called EasyMapMaker
I purchased this utility wagon from Canadian Tire for use in my POTA activations. I hope to be able to load everything I need for an activation into the wagon, make it very handy to operate in a park when you are forced to walk in.
Here is a link to the documentation from Facebook by Greg KJ6ER on his Dominator Antenna. It is an EFHW vertical, no radials, no tuner required.
Link to an article I have written on the Rybakov antenna. It consists of a vertical 25′ (7.6 m) wire, matched by a 4:1 unun and with 6 17′ radials. This is a non-resonant antenna, so it does require the use of an antenna tuner.
Here is a link to the documentation I received from Greg KJ6ER on his Predator Antenna. It is an elevated vertical with elevated radials.
For more information about this antenna and to check out an avid fan of this antenna go to Simon VA7BIX’s Youtube channel at Ham Jazz
There are quite the number of POTA entities around my home QTH, following is a list of the top 5 locations I have activated since Oct 7, 2021.
1. VE-1688 Ward McKenna Conservation Area located in south end of Aylmer, ON. This is an open area park, with tall trees for an antenna.
2. VE-5935 Cowan Recreation Park located in the north side of St Thomas, ON. There is a line of tall trees on the north side of the driveway as you enter the park, primarily used for soccer in the summer time.
3. VE-5541 EM Warwick Conservation area located off the old Hwy #3 southwest of Wallacetown, ON. There is a pavilion that you can operate from in the south end of the area, at one time, there was a tower just south of the pavilion that I operated from one time a few years ago. The tower has now been removed.
4. VE-5619 Springwater Conservation Area located southeast of St Thomas, ON. Lots of trees there, and trails to walk if you are so inclined.
5. VE-5622 Lake Whittaker Conservation Area located southeast of London, ON. Trees everywhere, so lots of antenna supports.
All of these areas get you out of your vehicle and operating a portable station among the trees.
73, Al VE3GAM