
SolderSmoke Podcast 147 is available for downloading:

October 29/30 2012
Hurricane Sandy on the way
Thanks for birthday wishes
Einstein — a very nice fellow with a bit of the Knack
Rocket project update
808 key chain cameras (thanks for the Amazon support!)
Audio output transformer for Barbados Barebones RX
Mighty Midget RX — breaking it, fixing it (with help from friends)
Freq counter connection to Tek scope
Halli S-38E — How to avoid electrocution?
The HQ-100’s anti-drift alarm clock
Book Review: “Instruments of Amplification” by H.P. Friedrichs (5 Soldering Irons!)
BANDSWEEP: 20 meter SSB via DC receiver on hurricane day
Report on outcome of the hurricane — inverter saves the day (really the night)
MAILBAG (a big one).