Dayton 2012 or Bust?
Setting out from Russ KB8U’s place in Ann Arbor, Michigan, John VE3JC, Ken VE3ELA and Russ KB8U are on their way to the Dayton Hamvention 2012. Ric VE3RLX accompanied them, driving the transport vahicle.
Dayton 2012

Dayton Hamvention 2011
Going to Dayton 2012? Friends of mine are biking from Ann Arbor, Michigan to Dayton. These crazy guys are John VE3JC, Ken VE3ELA and Russ KB8U. Ric VE3RLX is the driver of the accompanying vehicle. Good luck guys and, if I get any pictures from them on their trip, I will post them.
Dayton Hamvention link
FDIM (Four Days In May) link
WQ4RP QRP QSO Party 2011
Looks like these guys had fun!
73, Al
Flight of the Bumblebees
The Adventure Radio Society sponsors an annual event called Flight of the Bumblebees.
This QRP event takes place on July 31st, from 1700 UTC to 2100 UTC, take that radio out to some shaded spot and get on the air and contact all of the Bumblebees and others on the air that day. See you hopefully from my own portable location…
73, Al
W1JSB Portable Rig
Check out Hanz W1JSB portable rig, it is a beautiful piece of work and, if you want to see it in action,check out his Youtube videos.
73, Al
Elecraft KX3
Wayne Burdick N6KR holds the new KX3 that Elecraft is introducing to the world at Dayton 2011. Details are available on the Elecraft site
Looks like a ‘wow’ radio!
73, Al
p.s. a couple of videos posted using the KX3
Video of WG0AT working Dave AA7EE with KX3
Close up and playing with DSP during CW QSO
QRP Kits and Supplies
4SQRP Kits
American Morse
Dan’s Small Parts
G-QRP Club Sales
Hendrick QRP Kits
Indiana Kits
Jackson Harbor Kits
Kanga US
Kits and Parts dot Com
Milestone Technologies
Ramsey Electronics
Small Wonder Labs
Ten Tec
Whiterook Keys and Paddles
If you have any updates to this list, please let me know,
73, Al
Tuna Tin 2 35th Anniversary Special is offering a 35th anniversary special version of the famous Doug Demaw Tuna Tin 2 transmitter. The original article appeared in QST 35 years ago, and has been kitted and built by many hams since. The original Tuna Tin 2 tranmitter still exists and is put on the air occasionally. There is also a companion receiver available from if you want to pair this classic transmitter with a classic receiver. Take a look at Rex Harper’s website for more details. Have fun building…
73, Al
QRP ARCI is celebrating its golden jubilee by endeavouring to put every state on the air in 2011. In 1961, the club started out as a 100 watt club interested in reducing QRM, and have transitioned into a group of operators, hikers, builders/experimenters, and contesters that pursue this great activity at five watts or less.
One way the club will mark this anniversary is to activate the club call in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia throughout 2011. QRP ARCI members/volunteers will be assigned one week during the year in which they can use the club call, K6JSS from their location. We encourage them to operate with K6JSS with as many modes/bands and as often as possible during their assigned week. A special “Worked All States” certificate will be issued to all that qualify by working 20, 30, 40 or all 50 states who use the callsign K6JSS. A plan is being developed for later in the year for any states you miss first time around.
Check K6JSS at for the operating schedule. Good luck in snagging the rest of the states.
73, Al
W7ZOI Technical Notes
Here’s a link to one of the technical wizards of our hobby. He has links to some nice material on his site. one of the first articles I noticed on his site was the one about breadboarding techniques from 2007, ugly construction and manhattan construction all mixed together.
73, Al