Sudden Receiver – FDIM 2009 Buildathon
The annual event hosted by the QRPARCI organization called FDIM (Four Days In May) at the Dayton, Ohio Hamvention usually gives attending hams an opportunity to build a small project during an afternoon period. In 2009, the project built was a Manhattan style version of the Sudden Receiver, with a circuit designed by G3RJV, George Dobbs, and kitted by Rex Harper, W1REX. Here is a link to a copy of the buildathon instructions, circuit diagram and pictures of the completed project, courtesy of QRPME. Check out the rest of his site, there is lots of interest there.
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Wouldn’t it just be easier to buy a KK-D202 DSP receiver from Hong Kong for $22 ($12 + 10 shipping), and receive from 2 to 22mghz. That’s what I did.